Today, Desultory Eclecticism extends its heartfelt regards to long-time-reader, first-time-winner Thomas McClosky, whose interpretation of this Russian Fairy Tale has earned him a lifetime subscription to Desultory Eclecticism. The moral:
Fear is a better motivation than anger/strength, and eggs make everyone feel better? Also, I don't get it--the gold's still there, just in really small pieces, right? I mean, and/or Flava Flave will still take it off their hands, right?
I believe it was Confucius who once kept himself awake an entire twenty-four hours, neither eating no drinking, in the hope it would somehow arouse his philosophic/artistic faculties. His verdict on the experiment? "It didn't work." However, in light of our winning explication's 3:13 AM arrival in my inbox, I hereby encourage all Desultory Eclecticism readers, in the name of science, to test Confucius's results, this time without any silly restrictions on imbibition.
Japan Finally Got Inflation. Nobody Is Happy About It.
After 25 years of deflation, the public is mad about price rises.
1 year ago
Way ahead of you on the no-sleep thing. Also, WOLVERINES!