Thursday, September 10, 2009


As someone who'd be dead without the skill, innovation, and open borders of American neuroscience, and bankrupt without the generous health care the Government provides for its own employees, our most recent red scare has been of relative interest to me.  Following the theme of yesterday's post, here's my favorite moment from Obama's address to Congress.  

I've had some late-night bull sessions about whether or not politicians actually believe in what they're saying.  If Joe Wilson's (note: not THE  Joe Wilson) reaction isn't genuine, then you may have a bridge I'd be interested in purchasing.

1 comment:

  1. I actually think you're in a great position to offer insight on this, so I'm glad you said that. Wilson's a toolbag. You should check out's article about why the whole state of South Carolina has been one giant death spiral of assholes thoughout its history.
